Books: As a fine art photographer I tend to make images in series and have always found the book form an appropriate way to bring various ideas together and have experimented with many book formats. Materials and binding are chosen that are appropriate to the concept. I am also a lecturer in photography, which influences the content too. In response to AMBruno's recent briefs, I have made small editions of handmade books, all with reference to a photographic lexicon of diagrams and techniques: a pinhole camera diagram that inspired One Fold, the similarities between the eye and the camera for Black Circle, and the Sunny f16 rule of exposure for 16. I am currently working with linear diagrams and drawing with sunlight onto colour film for the Lines brief, which will be shown at the London Art Book Fair in September 2013. |
Kathryn Faulkner lives and works in Wiltshire. MFA Slade School of Fine Art (Media) 2006-08. I am interested in the book as both object and subject matter and my recent practice has largely been focused on what, why and how people read. I make a connection between analogue photography and the book as artifact, i.e. the physicality of the process and the object is important to me. I continue to collect bibliographies as literary portraits from artists, writers and photographers, and recently offered reading tutorials to visitors to Keeper(s), an exhibition curated by Bella Kerr at the Mission Gallery, Swansea, 2 April to 12 May 2013.
no safe light on is part of AMBruno's Red collection. A series of test strips systematically explore how many reds can be generated in a colour darkroom. Each strip demonstrates what happens when the Cyan, Magenta and Yellow filters are activated by incremental exposure. |
After Tarkovsky is part of AMBruno's Stills collection of limited edition prints. A seven minute pinhole exposure made at the spa town of Bagno Vignoni in Tuscany, the location for the penultimate scene in Nostalghia by Andrei Tarkovsky. A flickering candle records the journey from one side to the other in homage to the poet Gorchakov's last moments. Pinhole photography / C-type print |
BIBLIOGRAPHY 3 (AMBruno) is part of AMBruno's Lists etc. collection. Continuing my collection of artists' bibliographies, I invited members of AMBruno to send me a list of their most important or significant books that are still in their possession. I worked with this material in various ways to make an artist's book about artists' books. Open Edition. Black and white printing, card covers, saddle stitch binding. |
Trying to draw clouds with the sun is part of AMBruno's I'm telling you stories. Trust me collection of limited edition prints. This photograph combines an interior and exterior view by working experimentally with a pinhole camera. The story implicit in the image suggests a journey from near to far, and invokes the idea of a transition through time and space by drawing with the sun at the end of the day. Photography / digital C-type print. |
GOD'S RAYS is part of AMBruno's Lines collection. GOD'S RAYS overlays two different sets of handmade lines that combine to challenge the fundamental rules of photography. No lens, no viewfinder, no compositional aides, and lots of movement during lengthy exposures whilst pointing the camera to the sun, can lead to surprising results. Edition of 6 + 1AP. Ink drawings and inkjet prints. |
SUNNY f16 at SIEPI is opart of AMBruno's 16 collection. In photography, the Sunny 16 rule is a method of estimating daylight exposures without a light meter. The basic rule is that on a sunny day, set aperture to f/16 and shutter speed to the ISO film speed in direct sunlight. The book is made using this rule and includes at least one dog in each frame. 15 x 11 cm. Edition of 5. 16 hand-printed silver gelatin prints from 6 x 7cm negatives. Linen-taped and stitched, painted cardboard covers and printed text. |
PUPIL is part of AMBruno's Black Circle collection. My starting point was the optics behind the human eye and photographic lenses and how they open up and shut down in response to light. I used appropriated photographs and diagrams to make the images and enjoyed the play on the word pupil in relation to learning. 15.5 x 13.5cm. Edition of 50. 100gsm double-sided inkjet paper. Pigment inks. Hand sewn. |
Object to be photographed by a pinhole camera is part of AMBruno's One-Fold Books collection. A folio inspired by a diagram of sunlight entering a pinhole camera. Paper, fishing line, fishing weights, pencil, piercing. One-fold book. Edition of 5. |